The CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF REATLORS® (“C.A.R.”) is committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for all individuals, regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, physical appearance, disability, body size, ethnicity, race, religion, or other protected class. We prohibit any form of harassment at our events and have a zero-tolerance policy towards such behavior.
All participants, including speakers, attendees, media, sponsors, exhibitors, volunteers, and staff are expected to adhere to this code of conduct policy. Failure to exhibit respectful, collaborative behavior may result in removal from the event without warning, no refund, and/or future bans from attending or exhibiting at the REimagine! Conference & Expo.
Acceptable behaviors include but are not limited to:
Respecting the boundaries of all participants.
Respecting diversity of thought from your fellow participants
Avoiding aggressively pushing your own services, products or causes.
Respect the rules and policies of the meeting venue, hotels, contracted facility, online platform, or any other venue.
Unacceptable behaviors:
Using offensive gestures or language, including the use of slurs or derogatory terms.
Invading someone's privacy and capturing screenshots of conversations or sharing personal information about someone else without their consent.
Engaging in physical or verbal intimidation, including unwarranted physical contact.
Bullying or cyberbullying.
Engaging in any form of sexual harassment, which includes giving unwanted sexual attention and inappropriate physical contact.
Discriminating against others based on their gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion, or other protected class.
Deliberately disrupting sessions or business meetings.
Report an Incident
If you have either witnessed or been involved in an incident that goes against the Code of Conduct while attending the event, please inform a C.A.R. staff member immediately. It would be helpful if you could provide as much information as possible to aid us in conducting a thorough on-site investigation of the incident. Any reported incident will be treated with discretion and confidentiality.
C.A.R.’s Commitment
C.A.R. is dedicated to providing a safe and inclusive environment for all attendees and will investigate all complaints and take appropriate action against anyone found to have breached our Code of Conduct policy. Any person who violates the Code of Conduct may be removed from the event without warning or refund, and/or may be banned from attending or exhibiting at the REimagine! Conference & Expo in the future.
Code of Conduct, Civility and Sexual Harassment Policy
C.A.R. is committed to providing a respectful and harassment-free conference experience for every person. We do not tolerate harassment in any form, including harassment based on race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical disability, mental disability, medical conditions, genetic information, marital status, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, age, sexual orientation, military and veteran status, pregnancy or pregnancy related condition or any other characteristic protected by state or federal law.
Improper conduct can include, but is not limited to, harassment that is verbal, physical, visual or through other means, (i.e., by email, voicemail, or any other electronic devices). Examples of harassment may include, but are not limited to, derogatory comments, slurs, jokes, statements, gestures, pictures, drawings, cartoons, assault, impeding or blocking another’s movement, unwelcome physical contact, (such as hugging, kissing, patting, pinching or brushing against another’s body) or otherwise physically interfering with a person’s normal activities or attendance based upon the person’s sex or other protected characteristic. Sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to, making unwanted sexual advances and requests for sexual favors where 1) submission to such conduct is made an explicit or implicit term or condition of advancing in the organization; 2) submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for appointments affecting such individual; or 3) such conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual’s performance within the C.A.R. structure, attending an event, or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment.
Occasional appropriate compliments or voluntary relationships between members and staff are not covered by this policy but all parties should be clear with one another when conduct is unwelcome. Conduct that is insulting or demeaning to the recipient is not appropriate at C.A.R. events. All event participants and staff are expected to behave accordingly and take appropriate measures to ensure that such unwelcome or inappropriate conduct does not occur.
If you wish to report an incident, you may do so here: To protect victims and the accused alike, efforts will be made to use the utmost confidentiality, to the extent possible, regarding complaints. All claims will be thoroughly and promptly investigated, in a manner that treats all parties fairly, and will reach an appropriate conclusion and recommended action based on the evidence collected. Upon conclusion, appropriate action will be taken against the offender. Directors and those attending the meetings may be subject to removal from events and/or removal from the positions over which C.A.R. has authority and not allowed to attend future meetings. The matter may also be referred to the appropriate Association if a local Association employee or an elected officer from that Association is involved.
Any retaliation by directors, committee members, volunteers and association staff against any person for either reporting an incident or cooperating in an investigation is not consistent with this policy. If you have any questions concerning this Policy, please feel free to contact C.A.R.’s General Counsel Jenny Li or COO Rick Shumacher at: